Special Representatives to the Board of Trustees

December Meeting
Senators Roy Blunt and Claire McCaskill were appointed as Special Representatives to the Board of Trustees during the December 6th, 2022 meeting. Both Senator Blunt and Senator McCaskill previously served on the Foundation's Board of Trustees during their tenure representing President Truman's home state of Missouri. The Special Representative designation allows them to continue their involvement in Foundation activities in a non-voting capacity.
This meeting was the first led by the Foundation's new president, Secretary Janet Napolitano (NM 77). We also welcomed four new board members, Congressman Andy Kim (NJ 03), Stacey Brandenburg (GA 95), Betty Jang, and Audrey Schuster.
The Board of Trustees heard reports from the Executive Secretary, staff, and other interested constituents on the activities of the Foundation over the past year. The Board also voted to approve the 2022 Truman Scholars as well as the Foundation's budget for the fiscal year.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be in late fall of 2023.